The imperialist-capitalist system is mired in a severe crisis. While this is a new opportunity for them, it brings even more losses for the workers. The crisis, which the ruling classes know how to exploit well, serves them for even more war provocation and even more exploitation in many forms. The crisis means more profits for the strongest and most organized, more losses for the weakest and unorganized. Crisis means that the bill for the losses is paid by the oppressed. For the oppressors, it is the ideal opportunity to make even more profits. The crisis is exploited by the ruling classes to poison the oppressed with their own chauvinism and to incite mutual hostility between peoples. The crisis means that the contradictions between the oppressed and the oppressors are intensifying.
In the crisis, we must say NO, because the dispersed and the unorganized lose, and say YES, because the organized struggle will lead to victory. We must say YES because it is time to free ourselves from war, occupation, exploitation, oppression and the chain of political prohibitions.
We must not forget that because of wars and unjust occupations, millions of people are murdered and have to emigrate from their countries. While one of the pillars of the crisis is constituted by unjust occupations and wars, another pillar is the dismantlement and plundering of the economic, social and political rights that the working class and workers have acquired through struggles and paying heavy tributes. It is the relentless pursuit of the creation of unlimited zones of exploitation. The struggle of capital groups to engulf each other and the growth of monopolization lead to the formation of new conditions for the ruthless continuation of the attacks. The ruling classes react to the crisis by trying to increase exploitation, to hinder the struggle of the oppressed, to deprive youth of a future, to leave refugees with no other choice but agony, to increase their domination over women, to plunder nature for profit and to severely suppress any movement that develops against the system as soon as it appears.
In many European countries, freedom of opinion and the right to organize exists only on paper. Political activity is considered as a crime. Repression, prohibitions, investigations and arrests of revolutionaries and democratic organizations have become common practice.
The imperialists and the reactionary classes who are their henchmen are the real culprits in all these developments that lead to the destruction of all humanity.
Let us raise the struggle!
Workers and labourers; As the Union of Migrant Workers in Europe (AGEB), we call on all revolutionaries, democrats, progressives and the oppressed to fight and counter these reactionary attacks by the ruling classes with a broad, influential and effective campaign. Crises are phases in which the working class, workers, women, youth, refugees and migrants, as well as people of different nationalities and from different nations are condemned to more suffering. This should lead to stronger opposition and more effective organization and mobilization.
In the face of the global attack of the imperialist-capitalist system; a clear response is essential for a correct positioning and for a scientific political consciousness. Let us raise our voices; Against all policies of exploitation and oppression! Let’s not allow the system to cover up the crisis that is shaking it with the current pandemic process!
We will take to the streets against racism, discrimination and the plundering of rights, against longer working hours, against economic restrictions and against any attack on our political freedom, our right to freedom of opinion and expression, our freedom of organization, we will not abandon the streets to inertia. The longer the streets remain inactive, the more reactionism will increase. This is a reality that we will never conceal and our historical consciousness.
Together, let us organize and strengthen the struggle to oppose these attacks in all areas and defend our legitimate and acquired rights!
As the AGEB, with the slogan “NO TO IMPERIALIST ATTACKS! YES TO ORGANIZE AND STRUGGLE!”, we intervene in this process.
Our campaign aims to organize struggle and resistance in all areas of life. Disorganization and dispersion offer the dominant classes more opportunities and facilitate their attacks. This process can only be reversed if workers and laborers struggle in their workplaces and on the streets.
We call on all anti-fascist, anti-imperialist, revolutionary, democratic and progressive social categories to oppose this process with this political consciousness and to fight together against these attacks!
AGEB Englisch PDF